viernes, 18 de diciembre de 2009

jueves, 17 de diciembre de 2009

Brain Tattoos

Yes. This is what I do for living.

Be careful! you brain could be tattooed while you’re watching a piece of art, lying on the beach, drinking with your friends, walking your dog or making love.

So cool and so dangerous at the same time.

Internet definitions are really scaring, considering the point that most of them end with the phrase: “To build a more profitable company”… so sick!

What about consciousness, positive ideas, progress, human aid, justice, honesty?
Brain Tattoos are strong weapons. Decide which ones would you like to dye your brain?

OBD. Obsessive Branding Disorder

I just found this title by Lucas Conley while surfing Amazon

I read the title and felt immediately linked to it. As a brand creator and builder I have ambivalent feelings about this theory. I completely understand Obama’s point of view regarding the new meaning of value:

“We’ve become accustomed to our economic dominance in the world, forgetting that it wasn’t reckless deals and get-rich-quick schemes that got us there; but hard work and smart ideas - quality products and wise investments. So we started taking shortcuts. We started living on credit, instead of building up savings. We saw businesses focus more on rebranding and repackaging than innovating and developing new ideas and products that improve our lives.

But on the other hand, it is not only new logos or packaging. The concept of “brand” is taking a higher order in today's societies. We are starting to build brands of our own lives.

We have branded our lifestyles, our friends, and the places we like, everything surrounding us.

Observing the way we define them, we try hard to find consistency in the attributes, descriptors and "labels" we place on them in order to get something... guess what? Exactly what we define as the branding pillars: differentiation, relevance, knowledge and esteem.

Are we trying to build a brand of ourselves even when we can consciously realize it?

martes, 1 de diciembre de 2009

David vs. Goliath

Sometimes is so hard to understand the meaning of art. This is what the Art Institutions are doing in the name of the art in my country

Another difficult topic to understand.